It costs about $30 and, for a full installation, takes more than 16 megabytes of hard-disk space.
It was considered unreliable and not approved for full installation.
Since a full installation takes 30 to 60 minutes, I did not stay on the line.
I'm giving orders to proceed to full installation right now.
Otherwise, you can proceed to a full and immediate installation.
A full installation takes up 6.5 megabytes of hard disk space.
Also for the first time in the Company's history, the builders' specification included full installation of electric lighting.
In a full installation, the problems may even turn out to be less serious than I now suspect.
The full installation of the changes may still be difficult, given what seem to be continuing doubts in the leadership here about the country's course.
Until May 1992 there were continuously live shows because the full installation wasn't still available.