Father Mirchuk fears that full legalization will not soon occur, and only after enormous upheaval.
The modern practice emerged in the mid-1970s and grew significantly in popularity in the 1980s, particularly following the full legalization of abortion in 1985.
Far more important are the steps that should be taken first, such as monetary stabilization, freeing of prices, marketization and full legalization of private ownership.
The Democrats' present position is that Sam has to get full legalization - which is politically impossible - or he gets nothing.
I'm not saying that the PM's going to suddenly turn round and start supporting full legalization, but at least they're finally having to talk about it.
This report looks at the budgetary implications of full legalization.
It supports the full legalization of drugs, and has also called for the restriction of state powers on other issues.
Public opinion polls and studies show that Latin Americans do not support the full legalization of abortion.
Caisse supports the full legalization of marijuana use.
A November 2003 Gallup survey found 75% said they would favor use of marijuana under a doctor's prescription, but nearly two-thirds rejected full legalization.