He, too, was amused now, a certain wryness to the expression beneath the full moustache.
He was in his late forties, dash of red hair, full moustache, six foot four and Highland accent.
He was a swarthy man with long black hair, full moustache and a beard trimmed just close enough to fit under his oxygen mask.
One with long blond hair and a nice full moustache, the other a taller, darker man with a military crew cut.
For one thing he looked like a real cowboy with his piercing eyes and full moustaches.
And he doesn't even have a full moustache yet.
He was a great bear of a man, with his hair slicked down flat and a full moustache.
The doorway was filled by a huge middle-aged man with plastered hair, a full moustache, an expensive suit, and carrying a cane.
How many men of eighteen, with practically full moustaches, were embarked on a mission which would spell the doom of the Yankee capital?
He was able to grow a full moustache with sheer force of will due to his desire to become a "man", as he puts it.