Atlántida started in the 1920s as a cantata, but grew over 20 years to become a full opera.
Tickets are $12 for a program of operatic scenes to $40 for full operas.
This was probably her only performance in a full opera in North America.
The first performance of the full opera took place in 1924 in Kharkiv.
The first full opera was performed in 1909 - Pagliacci by Leoncavallo.
He produced a full opera, Brèves de comptoir, in 2005.
The full opera (55 scenes, 19 hours) was performed last summer at Lincoln Center.
Tickets range from $12 for operatic scenes to $40 for full operas.
It was Rossini's first attempt at writing a full two-act opera.
In 1942 the school staged its first full opera.