In a full privatization, assets are permanently sold to a private investor.
With an eye on the coming privatizations, investors had bid up stock prices on companies scheduled for full privatization this year.
"The only viable solution would seem to be full privatization or the adoption of policies that would force the agencies to adopt this course themselves."
Government ownership of the company decreased over the next 9 years, with full privatization occurring in February, 2002.
As with full privatization, raising money to finance the change from pay-as-you-go to a fully paid retirement system would be a problem.
Still, some of the cautions that apply to full privatization apply here, too.
(The distinction revolves around the difference between "full" and "partial" privatization.)
On October 15, 2010, a bipartisan legislative task force called for a "dramatic reconfiguration" of the state network, but not full privatization.
He would like to see Social Security privatized, but as a pragmatist he knows that full privatization is politically impossible.
Under current media reform laws, TTV is being tapped for full privatization.