Many compact SUVs got full redesigns or were freshened for the new model year.
One step Toyota has taken to address these problems is a full redesign of the three models that will appear in Lexus showrooms.
In 2008 Carzone underwent a full redesign.
Many automakers say the alterations are usually too costly and difficult to make outside of a full redesign.
The 1971-1978 Oldsmobile Toronado started with a full redesign and new features were added each year.
This included a full redesign.
In 2004, the magazine had a full redesign.
Tribe promised a full redesign of their site which would alleviate these problems, scheduled to launch in August or September 2008.
As part of the process, retailers also received a full shop-fit redesign overseen by Portas.
The full redesign is expected to be completed by the end of the 2013 financial year.