For this last opinion he was forced to issue a full retraction and apology.
I don't care how you handle it, a full retraction, a press conference, an arms-around-each-other bit, that's up to you.
A full retraction was issued by Science on December 22, 2011.
Enraged, Rosen insisted on a full and public retraction, pointing out that the mark he always made with his bat was the letter "x."
The station later issued a full retraction and acknowledged that Dhalla's comments had been presented out of context.
A lesser withdrawal of content than a full retraction may be labelled a correction.
I require a full and unqualified retraction and substantial damages, ie, £50 to Bananaballs.
Then it issued a full retraction.
Morse was subsequently fully investigated by the school and reinstated with a full retraction released to the media.