At that time, Singapore had already been granted full internal self-government.
The second camp favoured moves towards full self-government within the Empire.
If the station had full self-government, they wouldn't be able to mess with us - so let's concentrate on station business for now, shall we?
Governors are appointed by the government, and so the regions do not have full self-government.
The District's citizens are surely capable of full self-government.
Tobago, the smaller of the country's two main constituent islands, achieved full internal self-government in early 1987.
We both feel it's a place to begin so we can work our way back to full self-government.
Four separate drives to enact a constitution for full self-government came to naught.
This however did not satisfy individuals calling for full self-government at least in the matter of domestic affairs.
It was allowed to expire in 1986 due to plans to introduce full self-government for the territory.