That white sandking is going to waken to full sentience soon.
Most Pandorans exist as mindless entities driven solely by instinct; there are the occasional few, however, who attain full sentience and possess human levels of intelligence.
If plants, in fact, do have such sensitivity, then it is only a couple of long steps until we arrive at a true intelligence and full sentience.
By tradition a client race owed allegiance and fealty to its patrons, the starfaring species that had "uplifted" it to full sentience.
Long and slow and difficult was the groping of the demon to his full sentience and identity.
Dorothea Macdonald watched, helpless to interfere; but this time she inhabited the vision with full sentience, experiencing the pain of her dying uncle through redactive empathy.
After widespread public knowledge ensued concerning the fact that a clone was allowed to achieve full sentience as a living being, a new Kryptonian war began.
This must mean full sentience was returning.
Normally, the nature of Planet's life causes it never to attain full sentience; however, human presence adds an unknown variable into the equation.
Face Dancers are sterile humanoids or "mules," with full sentience but a genetically-programmed loyalty to the Tleilaxu Masters.