The house of Shaws stood some five full storeys high, not counting lofts.
Inside, the vestibule is floored in black and white marble, and a curved mahogany-railed staircase runs the full three storeys of the building.
Macready swung the tiller, and they pivoted in a fan of spray into the lee of a tall white-faced building which lifted a full twenty storeys out of the water.
Alderley House was one of the earliest examples of a double-pile plan in Gloucestershire, and its entrance court range consists of 3 full storeys whereas the garden side range has 2 storeys and attics.
The front, in fact, was almost entirely of glass, rising from street level up four full storeys, creating a massive atrium and lobby which was like a glass-covered right angle viewed from the side.
The centre section, dating from about 1847, has three full storeys and two attic floors above, and is therefore taller.
The Wolves had valiantly forced the doors, and at least one of them, the crowbar boy probably, had fallen a full four storeys down the shaft.
The buildings finally had up to five full storeys and (due to the usual, very steep roofs) several attics.
The central portion has three full storeys.