Yet these families pay full taxes on education, without any kind of voucher.
If the home state has a higher rate, it can then charge the marginal difference, but not the full tax.
The project is not eligible for J-51 tax abatements, so buyers will pay full taxes.
While their residents pay full taxes, they do not send children to school and they use few public services.
A, was the correct answer, until benefits have been payable for one full tax year.
Color Air, on the other hand, would be forced to put the full tax on all its departures.
With the abatement, the full tax is phased in over 10 years.
Congress gave the mission employees a reprieve from paying the full tax until the beginning of last month when it killed the whole housing program.
"In our country, that's typically been the job of a commercial operator who pays full taxes and mortgages."
The state owns 1,000 properties in the city, he said, but pays full taxes on 12.