The full theory of optical rotation is very complicated, but I hope this helps!!
One glance was enough to prove his full theory regarding crime, plus a few recent developments which fitted closely to the pattern.
He also was a pioneer of the gyrocompass, being the first to create a full theory of it.
In the classical textbooks full theory and many examples of applications are presented.
Thus, the development of a full theory of mind in humans was a necessary precursor to full language use.
Liquidity preference, though important in Keynes, is not a full theory of the interest rate.
In regions which are significantly denser than the background, the full Newtonian theory of gravity must be included.
It was perhaps more a program than a full physical theory, the ideas that are developed not being worked out in a quantitative way.
A full theory governing these has yet to be developed but the articles relating to these contain some of the most recent thoughts.
Surely, in a full theory the experimenters themselves, each an autonomous agent, would be part of the theory?