When crevasses penetrate the full thickness of the ice, calving will occur.
There are two forms of skin grafting: split thickness and full thickness.
The full plating current density is very high with the full thickness of usually 0.3 mm taking approximately one hour.
The inflammation extended the full thickness of the bowel wall and there was periocolic wrapping of fat.
The number one remedy in third degree bums, that is, the full thickness of the skin has been lost.
The pieces are generally thicker that those used in marquetry, and often full thickness rather than being laminated.
This series of steps is repeated numerous times to traverse the full thickness of the stratum corneum.
Those terranes which are the full thickness of the lithosphere are called microplates.
The crypts extend through the full thickness of the tonsil reaching almost to its hemicapsule.
The full thickness of the rectal wall is incised at a level just above the dentate line.