She was a beautiful, delicate, and amiable young girl, emerging out of childhood and blossoming into full womanhood.
Until a generation ago in this country, and in many places to this day, full womanhood was won in just such an arena.
Even before she had come to her full womanhood under Christiana's motherly care she would have been an example to Ruth.
Somewhere along the line of time, she had passed from girlhood into full womanhood.
There was always at least one guardian, to bear witness that a girl's transformation to full womanhood was complete, and to make sure a man wasn't unduly rough.
Is it your intention to assume full womanhood in the immediate future?
The naked girl was in that lovely tender stage just past puberty, on the very brink of full womanhood.
On the other hand, as time went by, Judith was blossoming into full womanhood and increasingly looking more like the portrait in the living room.
The child grew up to womanhood full soon.
There she will reach full womanhood.