The respect he commands from these young musicians was evident in the polished, full-bodied performance he drew from them Monday evening at Avery Fisher Hall.
In any case, "Heart of a Dog" here received a full-bodied performance that aimed to entertain and succeeded.
But these full-bodied performances had a transcendent kind of authenticity.
"Waiting to Exhale" is the first feature film directed by Forest Whitaker, a fine actor who elicits flashy, full-bodied performances from his four leading ladies.
In fact, her full-bodied vocal performances are consistently impressive.
The ballet's first half included an amazingly full-bodied performance from Melinda Roy, never afraid to dance big.
She delivers a full-bodied gutsy performance.
Constantine Kitsopoulos conducted a full-bodied performance from a small ensemble (string quintet and percussion) drawn from the New York Chamber Orchestra.
Yet on the surface it remains a splendid theatrical spectacle fleshed out with a superb full-bodied performance from the Kirov corps.
Tyne Daly delivers a full-bodied performance as that monstrous stage mother who craves her turn in the spotlight.