Each Speaking Book features 16 pages of full-color illustrations supported by straightforward and easy to understand text.
The 644-page volume, with 3,500 full-color illustrations, will carry a retail price of $60.
In recent decades new printing technology has resulted in full-color illustrations that have made children's books appear ever more lush and complex.
It is a 7,184 page, 11-volume publication with full-color illustrations of temples, places, thinkers, rituals and festivals.
The text is unchanged, but with 30 new full-color illustrations, this version honors Hamilton, who died in 2002.
The full-color illustrations should be of great help, too.
The journal has sections on culture, city history, politics, sports, and other topics, and contains full-color illustrations.
"They're fairly lavishly produced, on good-quality paper with full-color illustrations all over the place," he says.
Now we have just a single tale, the title story of the original, but with 30 new full-color illustrations by the Dillons.
The pages are enlivened by full-color illustrations and plenty of how-to instructions.