This sermon says that this Edessa cloth contained not only the face, but a full-length image, which was believed to be of Jesus.
We will sometimes include full-length images of brides in wedding dresses, as well as informal photographs of individuals or couples at home, outdoors or in other attractive settings.
While most of the portraits are well known to art historians, a full-length image of Queen Caroline Murat, Napoleon's youngest sister, painted in Rome in 1814, is being shown in a museum exhibition for the first time.
By the early 1800's the small, full-length images of St. Francis and St. Anthony had entered the collection of the Dulwich Gallery near London.
As she reminisces, full-length images of the stars she talks about are projected behind her, among them Clara Bow, Hedy Lamarr, Barbara Stanwyck, Carole Lombard, Bette Davis and Marlene Dietrich.
This full-length image "belied the prevailing opinion that Stuart 'made a tolerable likeness of a face, but as to the figure, he could not get below the fifth button'".
The lower row is of smaller images of associate judges, while closer to the ceiling are full-length images, mostly of chief judges, arranged in chronological order.
It was a full-length image of a hawk.
It was a full-length image of the Lady, woven in silk and threads of precious metals.
An influential teacher in Germany, he has made photograms since the 1960's, when he produced full-length images of figures that bore more than a slight resemblance to works made by Robert Rauschenberg and Susan Weil in the 1950's.