In a season ending on Aug. 1, the company will present four of its most spectacular full-length works and other programs.
It was one of the first full-length works to dig into the Airbus Affair in Canada.
During their five years of operations, they produced fifteen plays (including both full-length and one-act works).
She has now published seven full-length works of fiction, some of which have also been adapted for television.
None of her full-length works were released in the US.
It is one of only two full-length works by Leibniz (the other being the Theodicy).
All of the full-length works and individual pieces which have survived in active performance are considered to be cornerstones of the ballet repertory.
In addition to her full-length works, Sakuraba has contributed short stories to a number of literary anthologies.
The book was among the earliest full-length critical works devoted to fantasy writers and the history of fantasy.
His two full-length works were banned by the regime and circulated in samizdat form.