And perhaps he lacked confidence in his ability to fight a full-scale battle.
They would have to be, to gain an illusion of the space which is normally covered by a full-scale battle.
By 7:00, a full-scale infantry battle had developed not far from the original breach.
"Are you intending to fight a full-scale battle for control of this system?"
The compensation issue had escalated into a full-scale battle for control of the company and its policies.
But now she had wandered into what, until a few minutes ago, had been a full-scale battle.
A full-scale battle with an opposing force equal in strength or more formidable than his own would be something new.
Yet it seemed to Glover that a full-scale battle was going on right beneath him.
They could hardly have fought a full-scale battle with a large Arab force.
Well, if she wanted to get into a full-scale battle, shed chosen the right time and place.