And where Lisa had been expecting a kamikazelike attack, there was only a full-scale retreat.
The Hotel Azerbaijani was making a full-scale retreat into the Stalin-ist past.
This started a full-scale German retreat from the area.
Undefeated in all major battles, it finally enforced a full-scale retreat of Potiorek's troops by the end of the year.
To the rest of the Muslim army, this appeared to be a full-scale retreat, and soon it became one.
This commenced a full-scale retreat by Wehrmacht troops from the area.
Trying to stem a full-scale retreat, the government and the Bank of Japan are discussing ways to prop up share prices and the dollar.
He said the city could not ask private donors to contribute to parks if the government itself was in full-scale retreat.
They were joined by Acichorius and the rest of the army, but the Greeks forced them into a full-scale retreat.
After Hideyoshi died, the Japanese fleet ordered a full-scale retreat.