Version 5.0 (Retail) - includes a full-screen editor.
The system ROM also contains a full-screen editor, which doubles as a simple word processor.
A number of important CDC software products were implemented in SYMPL, including compilers, libraries, a full-screen editor, and major subsystems.
A convenient feature of Commodore's ROM-resident BASIC interpreter and KERNAL was the full-screen editor.
One of the earliest "full-screen" editors was O26 - which was written for the operator console of the CDC 6000 series machines in 1967.
The productivity of editing using full-screen editors (compared to the line-based editors) motivated many of the early purchases of video terminals.
Only the UKNC version had a full-screen editor.
Line editors were also a feature of many home computers, avoiding the need for a more memory-intensive full-screen editor.
The compiler has a full-screen editor, a debugger, on-line help and a speed of 7,000 lines a minute.
The software package for C64 included a full-screen editor and command shell.