Lunglock tended to worsen at night: the relative scarcity of full-spectrum light on board only made it worse.
Ultraviolet light, full-spectrum light, tanning lamps, and heat lamps should not be used.
How could a human body absorb full-spectrum light and reflect it back at a non-visual wavelength?
Fill flash, used effectively, will "paint" in any missing colors by providing full-spectrum visible light to the overall exposure.
Today, there are a few places that will modify digital cameras to pass broad, full-spectrum light for full spectral imaging.
Light therapy uses regular doses of bright light (not full-spectrum light, which includes ultraviolet light).
Do not use ultraviolet light, full-spectrum light, heat lamps, or tanning lamps for light therapy.
From this angle the soft, full-spectrum light of the drum washed the shine from them.
The plant grows best under full-spectrum light of 10-12 hours per day.
Even with the morning sun streaming in through the dome's curved wall they kept the full-spectrum lights on all during the daylight hours.