While you can understand a school wanting a full-time administrator, it's clear nobody in the community had a problem with Logan's part-time status.
There is also a full-time administrator to handle complaints and a 24-hour hotline.
The University employs a full-time administrator and several student staff members dedicated to advancing sustainability on campus.
Large developments sometimes employ full-time administrators to manage the associations.
He also has a full-time administrator and researcher who looks after the books, and a part-time secretary.
And as a full-time administrator, he was able to devote his full attention to the business of running the company.
At most colleges, he/she is not a faculty member but a full-time administrator.
As of September 2008, the school had 77 teachers, 6 guidance counselors and 7 full-time administrators.
There was no full-time administrator or staff to review 2,000 experiments.
The survey found that 2.4 percent of full-time administrators at the conference level were black.