The station, scheduled to be completed in 2006, is expected to serve an estimated 45 full-time crews that will work aboard during the next 15 years.
For example, it is repainted every year, and a full-time crew of gardeners maintain the site.
With a full-time crew of three, the station is unlikely to yield 10 times as much knowledge as a new accelerator.
It has a full-time crew of four and has been in operation since 2001.
As a general rule, it's not busy enough for a full-time crew, so they depend on people like me when emergencies come up.
Now, you may be thinking, Why not just have one full-time crew to do all the work?
Repairs are handled by a full-time crew based at 14 Thayer Street.
Another department provides television crews free of charge for organizations that have no full-time crews in Washington.
I've heard there's a full-time crew whose sole job is to repaint.
The tour required 31 trucks to transport all its equipment and employed a full-time crew of over 150 people to make it all work.