Today, the garden operates on a shoestring, with not even a full-time gardener to tend the 45-acre site.
There is a staff of approximately 20 full-time gardeners.
The club had a full-time gardener, two grass tennis courts and a bowling green.
"You have to learn about it and you have to give yourself time, unless you're going to be a full-time gardener."
Yet the guy in the pickup truck looked like a full-time gardener.
Six full-time gardeners are assigned to its 5.5 acres, and their attention is obsessive.
A cook, some butler dude, a maid, and a full-time gardener.
Three full-time gardeners were employed at his home.
Since the judge died on 8 May 1726, it is possible that his son John who inherited the house decided against maintaining a full-time gardener.
Twelve full-time gardeners were employed to maintain a number of terraced gardens.