Staying at home longer to be a full-time mom would have been nice but wasn't an option.
She had since left the business, married a doctor, and settled into life as a full-time mom.
Now, he is starting a music marketing company while she is a full-time mom.
Amy is currently a part-time freelance writer and a full-time mom.
When their first child is born, they agree that she will be a full-time mom and he will work to get a promotion.
The full-time mom had never been on a treadmill in her life, and she...
Whether she works for a paycheck or not, a mom is always a full-time mom.
Praised as a good mother before a room of full-time moms, I was beaming.
"I work and then in between I'm a full-time mom."
It will be really fun to be a full-time mom.