She eventually withdrew from show business, and with the birth of her daughter Jessica in 1968, she decided to concentrate on full-time motherhood.
Two years later, his book "What Every Child Would Like His Parents to Know" alienated a generation of working women with its caution against abandoning full-time motherhood.
As conscientious women leave career ladders for full-time motherhood, who will remain in the work force to advocate the interests of children and future generations?
In essence, the day's message was that girls have to be encouraged to look beyond full-time motherhood when they think of their futures.
Professional women of color do, in fact, choose full-time motherhood, but are less visible than their white counterparts, especially in the suburbs.
Con is hoping, in fact insisting, that Fran's break from full-time motherhood will reignite the long-dimmed spark in their sexual relationship.
Today she is hoping to get back into acting after 13 years of full-time motherhood.
As a woman who has chosen full-time motherhood, I take offense at the idea that it is a brainless, uninteresting life option: a poor role model for today's young women.
Traversing the road from full-time career to full-time motherhood gives one a sense of awe for women who do all their work at home.
Or they can choose full-time motherhood, as I plan to do with my two kids, who will have school uniforms, curfews and V-chips.