My favorite reason: it's a way to keep a full-time nanny.
"I see a lot of women in their 30's who have full-time nannies, and I just question if their kids are getting the best."
I can't get a full-time nanny because my husband would kill me.
And so much work that she flatly refuses to let us provide full-time nannies for them!
Hughes resisted getting a full-time nanny and made do with girls who worked a few hours a day.
To find a full-time nanny, her agency charges about $1,200.
Estimates of full-time nannies in the United States range from one million to three million.
But I do sometimes wish I had a husband and a full-time nanny.
A full-time nanny, for example, in parts of south-east England has been estimated as costing up to £40,000 after tax.
He decides to babysit Sandy's children ultimately becoming their full-time nanny.