You could go to school full-time, then, and be done that much sooner.
The program started as a summer school for children with learning disabilities and grew into a full-time school.
"Now the latest thing is that it may be a full-time school; it's growing in a very unpredictable way."
However, many of them have opted for after-school programs rather than full-time parochial schools.
The first full-time public school on Main Street was established in 1821.
It is a full-time boarding school specializing in foreign language education.
Ali and her younger sister were attending private school full-time.
It is the first full-time, sexual orientation-based school in the country.
They progress from the Kindergarten (where the sessions begin with five mornings per week) into full-time school at 4 plus.
In 2009 also the grade schools were transformed into full-time schools.