He called today on Israel "to abide by and fully implement the cease fire agreement" and called on the international agreement to make sure it did so.
During the next about 150 years nobody paid much attention to actually abide fully to the proportions of the flag given in the 1748 regulation, not even the government.
He said Russia would "fully abide and comply with" an agreement reached this month with Washington to limit the transfer of missile technology to Iran.
"I am pleased with this fair and reasonable settlement and I have agreed to fully abide by its terms," he said.
Dr. Geagea said in an interview broadcast by the Voice of Lebanon, a Christian radio station, that his militia was "fully abiding" by the cease-fire.
As part of the settlement, InfoCision agreed to pay $75,000 and "fully abide by the state's laws on soliciting charitable contributions."
We abide fully by what we agreed.
Both the European Union and the United States must be clearly committed to abiding fully by the election result, whatever it might be.
Today I call once more on the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran to fully abide by the international conventions to which it is party.
The ISR's research programs and management are implemented by fully abiding the U.S laws and being transparent to the public.