The provision would bar Federal judges from responding to the most compelling constitutional claim if it "has been fully and fairly adjudicated in state proceedings."
Many commentators have come out against any such prosecution because, they say, the charges against President Clinton were fully adjudicated in his impeachment trial.
Since then, calls have continued to be made by members of the local legal profession ridiculing the length of time which court cases in Barbados take to be fully adjudicated.
Mr. Starrs said that there are rarely laws requiring law-enforcement officials to hold onto evidence after a case has been fully adjudicated.
He said truth would have been better served if the original discrimination lawsuit had been fully adjudicated.
Moreover, all cases on "Confessions" have been fully adjudicated and are part of the public record.
On December 24, 2003, a federal court ruled that the new NSR rules could not go into effect until the lawsuit had been fully adjudicated.
The charges against him were fully adjudicated in the impeachment trial before the Senate, the forum designated by the Constitution for dealing with presidential misdeeds.
But as far as Ms. Luff can determine, no other complaint has yet been fully adjudicated by a court.
Due to the length of the investigation and the number of appeals filed, the matter was not fully adjudicated until 1992, well past the end of Beshear's term.