"If this is fully corroborated, it is a very significant event that is likely to recast relations between the United States and China," said Allan Behm, a former official in Australia's Defense Ministry.
It would hold, Kinnison knew; and it would be corroborated fully by the ultra-private reports which his men would make to their real bosses.
The point made by both Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Bloomberg to the 9/11 Commission - that firefighters died because they delayed their own departures while trying to save the lives of civilians and other firefighters - is, in one sense, fully corroborated by the oral histories.
Nuniz's remarks are fully corroborated by Somanatha's biography.
"However, the detailed information provided by two independent witnesses and the fact that other parts of their statements were fully corroborated by other witnesses supports the credibility of the allegations," the report said.
But in the essential issue, namely that he was in Belzec and witnessed the gassing of a transport of Jews from Lwow, his testimony is fully corroborated .... It is also corroborated by other categories of witnesses from Belzec.
Under the intelligence agencies' own definitions, that level "means the information is interpreted in various ways, we have alternative views" or it is not fully corroborated.
Kumar was credible, precise, and fully corroborated.
His results are fully corroborated here (see Chapter 3), but owls also modify the bones of their prey to some extent.
At first, imagining that he was the victim of some spectral illusion, he observed it with silent attention; but when, after some minutes, he became convinced that what he saw was actually a distant light, he appealed to one of the sailors, by whom his impression was fully corroborated.