If they were to be fully counted as citizens, some sort of representation for apportionment of seats in Congress had to be determined.
After all, if the slaves had been fully counted, which was the most plausible alternative to three-fifths, the Southern states would have had many more representatives than they wound up with.
But even before the votes were fully counted in the election on Sunday, casting the governing Liberal Democratic Party out of power, the deal-making moved to the country's television studios.
Next week, I'll address the question of whether the votes of Floridians with the wrong color skin will be fully counted if they are cast.
He must also wholeheartedly support reforms intended to assure that every citizen who wants to vote is permitted and encouraged to do so - and that the results are fully and accurately counted.
They may well not have been fully counted in the decennial censuses.
A majority of 78.86% the votes from abroad, fully counted in this tally, went for Băsescu (115,831 to 31,045).
There is strong evidence that Florida's vote has not been fully and fairly counted.
Preliminary estimates are that this will save $7 billion to $8 billion a year, a saving that was not fully counted when the President sent his budget to Congress late last month.
I put the cash away, not fully counted.