Duverney fractures can usually be seen on pelvic X-rays, but CT scans are required to fully delineate the fracture and to look for associated fractures involving the pelvic ring.
Those problems that could be fixed were, and major problems were care- fully delineated for factory study.
Our hope is that, as MAPPFinder users see the added utility of viewing the GO biological processes as fully delineated pathways, they will use GenMAPP to organize the gene lists into more descriptive biological pathways.
Others, such as Evangeline, 1942, or Carol Cleworth, 1959, were done in fewer sittings and were left off with parts not fully delineated, but at a point when he believed that they would not improve with further work.
However, it is a relatively new entity, having been created by the MHSA in 2004, and has yet to fully delineate its role in the MHSA.
The use of phylogenetic analysis to determine evolutionary relationships amongst Agaricus species has increased the understanding of this taxonomically difficult genus, although much work remains to be done to fully delineate infrageneric relationships.
Costello, Christopher and Deacon, Robert (2007) Efficiency Gains from Fully Delineating Rights in an ITQ Fishery Marine Resource Economics, 22: 347-361.
It was made up not of symbols - a horse's head, a castle, a bishop's cap - but of fully delineated figures.
If the case does come to trial, the outcome will be a landmark decision for college athletics, more fully delineating schools' responsibilities to the athletes to whom they award scholarships.
The Efficiency Gains from Fully Delineating Rights in an ITQ Fishery, C Costello, RT Deacon, Vol.