They are considered fully deployable soldiers.
As Assistant Secretary, he tripled the number of naval aircraft and pushed for a fully deployable carrier task force.
Currently, the Department of Defense has produced and fielded six fully deployable DJC2 systems to commands in the United States and Europe.
The Pentagon's position is that exemptions for parents would be unfair to others and that all members of the armed services, including reservists, must be "fully deployable and available for assignment anywhere in the world."
It is a fully deployable airbase operations unit that provides airbase-specific operations support and common 'close' combat support functions to one or more collocated flying units at a forward operating base.
It is a fully deployable unit which provides operational support to a forward operating base.
Assigned as the Army component to CENTCOM, USARCENT is the only Army-level headquarters in the force structure today manned and ready to provide the CENTCOM with a fully deployable, warfighting command and control headquarters anywhere in the world.
In 2006 it was announced that the battalion would be re-raised as part of a plan to expand the size of the Army and since then it has established itself as a fully deployable motorised infantry battalion as part of 7th Brigade.
Who created the asinine rule that mothers of newborns are "fully deployable"?
Ensures that personnel are medically ready to fight; train and to equip fully deployable medical teams; and meet the health care needs of our patients.