The fully dimensional world of a long-running series is harder to find in a first mystery.
He's a fully dimensional man, a complicated man, more complex than people realize.
Schaper's game was the first to employ a fully three dimensional, free-standing plastic cootie.
Some argue that rather than a categorical approach, a fully dimensional, spectrum or complaint-oriented approach would better reflect the evidence.
For example, even though "Justice" was meant to be seen only from the front and side, it is fully three dimensional - but in a peculiar way.
It is as if what began as a flat diagram has become a fully dimensional structure able to stand on its own.
Several sub-classifications of the paraphilias have been proposed, and some argue that a fully dimensional, spectrum or complaint-oriented approach would better reflect the evidence.
Yet they fail to add up to one fully dimensional character.
Yet there's a fully dimensional quality to the interaction of video, object and actual space that goes beyond Mr. Barney's 70's influences.
Here we're trying to make all elements fully dimensional - to manipulate time, light and image the same way I would manipulate clay as a sculptor.