The predicted binding site also fully encompasses two out of three of the sulfate ions and borders the third.
These dimensions are for the mattress-the actual bed frame will be a little larger in order to fully encompass and support the mattress.
It is considered the most geographical diverse city encyclopedia of its kind because it fully encompasses the suburbs in eight of the region's counties.
The journal's title, though pointing to its roots in Slavic studies, does not fully encompass the range of disciplines represented or peoples and cultures examined.
Night now fully encompassed the fens; the sky was paved with stars.
Presently, the wall fully encompasses the stadium's north, south, and west sides.
Thus, the station's nighttime signal does not fully encompass the entire metropolitan area.
Only the CD, given its ample digital leeway, can fully encompass these deep foundations of orchestral texture.
Although, even that does not fully encompass the reality.