Unfortunately, there are no agents available with high enough efficacy and safety to fully eradicate HBV.
Bach on the harpsichord never fully eradicated Bach on the piano, as the line from Glenn Gould to Murray Perahia attests.
So it is not surprising that when bubonic plague struck in 1894, it took nearly 30 years to fully eradicate it.
These acts coincided with the ambition of the Interahamwe and of other Hutu extremists to fully eradicate the Tutsi population.
We never fully eradicated the parasites, but they taught us hydroponic farming under ultraclean conditions.
Once Pollenia rudis enters a home, it is almost impossible to kill enough of the flies to fully eradicate them.
To fully eradicate this infestation, I must first completely understand the physiology of the creature I am to eliminate.
One study showed dietary supplementation of L. reuteri alone reduces, but does not fully eradicate, H. pylori in the gut.
Of course, no peace agreement can fully eradicate terrorism.
Furthermore, other methods such as vacuuming must often be used in conjunction with pesticides to fully eradicate bed bugs.