The administration would also have to demonstrate that it had fully exhausted all diplomatic alternatives to war.
Proven reserves can never be fully exhausted, it's physically impossible and financially unaffordable to squeeze the last drops out of the ground.
When it has fully exhausted its fuel, the core will produce heavier elements like Iron.
The intent is that the National Guard is called only when civilian resources have been used first and fully exhausted.
Fully exhausted because of his exertions the night before, he decided to cross the lawn and work through the hedge.
Fortunately, no pursuit became evident as the minutes turned to an hour, and both horses and riders had to slow to a stop, fully exhausted.
Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
My additional question is whether you are of the opinion that the Commission has fully exhausted all the options that were prepared and paid for.
It is also a precondition that internal legal remedies be fully exhausted first.
Gooden, though, was fully exhausted, and so were the rest of the Mets.