Imagine a blueprint for the conflicts given fully fleshed life in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
A vague threat in Tanchico was easier to face than this fully fleshed plan to turn every hand against Rand.
The effect would have been eerie, even if per- formed by fully fleshed folk.
Fully fleshed individuality is accorded only to Ms. Martin's women.
It numbered about 3,000 people and was never fully fleshed.
His expansion creates fully fleshed scenes from each of the elements and heightens the drama in a number of different ways while remaining essentially concise.
Father Vidicon did pray that he would not behold a being fully fleshed, for he felt sure that it would lie as one who's dead.
Victoria narrowed her eyes at Moraine's fully fleshed arm.
Most remained fully fleshed.
When a letter has a neon component the gas's tubing traces a sort of skeleton before the letter appears fully fleshed.