The program is geared mainly for English-speaking families who wish their children to become fully fluent in French.
The last fully fluent speaker was Dorothy Ramon, who died in 2002.
As of 2000, many Hmong students who were not fully fluent in English chose to attend Edison.
As of 2012, there are fewer than 10 individuals whose Hupa could be called fluent, at least one of whom is a fully fluent bilingual.
It is meant to describe a person who may not be fully fluent in Spanish, or "Mexican enough," culturally and linguistically.
No one in the expedition was fully fluent in the Icelandic language.
The last fully fluent speaker, Gladys Thompson, died in 2012.
While in Cairo, he also learned Russian in which he became fully fluent.
She was said to be fully fluent in the language, despite being the only remaining speaker.
At the school he began learning the Welsh language, but did not become fully fluent until the age of seventeen.