Such regions would probably not have been mapped or documented fully.
Unfortunately, Rio's electricity system is not fully mapped.
Although these men explored sections of the river, it was not until 1869 and again in 1871-72, that the Colorado was fully mapped.
The site's core was fully mapped in the first two field seasons.
The continent would not be fully mapped for hundreds of years.
However, it was John Pendlebury who actually fully mapped this area during his excavations in 1935.
"The day the brain is fully mapped, writers will find a way to turn it into a foreign country."
In 2000 it became the first plant to have its genome sequence fully mapped.
Nations were sending their explorers to uncover the last remaining continent that was not fully mapped by the European superpowers.
If we both survive the mission, we will reconvene here when the sector is fully mapped.