It may be hard to tell male from female until the fish are fully mature and females fill with eggs.
After eight to 9 years, they are fully mature and their fur reaches its final coloration.
Sexual maturity can occur from two years and at half their fully mature size.
As a result most commercially grown tomatoes never reach the fully mature color or taste.
She was not a child but a fully mature woman with all a woman's instincts.
However, it bears little relation to the fully mature works he is best known for today.
At 23 years of age, the wine was fully mature and a delight to drink.
If kept cool, fully mature tomatoes can be held for three days or more.
We knew we were hearing the fully mature works of a living master.
But the treatment had no effect when given to animals with fully mature plaque.
Individual fruit bodies take an average of five to seven days to fully mature.
When fully mature the adults return to water and start breeding.
Not even when this conviction became fully matured in her mind.
It was September 1991, weeks before the fruit fully matured.
The plants are allowed to mature fully, then a machine is used to harvest the entire field.
The bone structure showed that he had not yet fully matured.
She said she does not expect her voice to mature fully for 7 to 10 years.
The design never fully matured, and it was unable to reach its goals.
During the growth process, developing Observers were fully matured into adults.
It should be fully matured first, in order to become flavorful.