During the recent years the ski resort was fully modernized.
However, the Chinese realized they would need outside assistance to fully modernize their steel industry.
Despite the age of these structures, most have been remodeled since 2005 and are fully modernized.
More improvements are planned for the future, as part of an initiative to fully modernize the library.
Each is the equivalent of some quaint old hotel that has been fully modernized.
The Squire earns a good but difficult living from his farm which is fully modernized.
Small hotels, fully modernized and generally charm-laden but with no air-conditioning, are the rule.
The Unterwesterwaldbahn was fully modernized technically in early 2007 to a state-of-the-art level, thus ensuring continued running for years.
The kitchen is fully modernized as is much of the rest of the manor.
During the second half of the 1980s, the fully modernized WordPerfect overtook it in sales.