An official of the group said the parties had agreed to display only Lebanese and Iranian flags, but only Hezbollah's followers had fully obeyed.
It would take hundreds of commands to override all normal safety procedures so that the destruct sequence could be sent and fully obeyed.
This wise decree was not fully obeyed for many years after the time of Clavería.
If the edict is to be fully obeyed.
Plainly, the monarch's command would not be fully obeyed by a peer who answered the summons, arrived at Parliament and then immediately departed again.
He thought she was mocking him with this question, because the falcon had not fully obeyed his summons.
The "Imam" must be fully obeyed and never opposed, no matter who he is.
The crew finally mutinied, seized the captain and mates and put them in irons, although the captain was allowed on deck to take observations and direct affairs, all his orders being fully obeyed.
One time at which Kain's temper was absolutely predictable, though, was when his orders were not obeyed instantly and fully.
Several of these new routes no longer exist, so the pattern of clusters is not fully obeyed today.