With automated load-pull, it is possible to fully optimize and design a final stage for GSM applications in less than a day, thereby providing a dramatic reduction in design cycle-time while assuring the best possible performance trade-off has been achieved.
The target wavelength for the flexible substrate was set to 10 m. Initial tests show that the nantenna design can be translated to a polymer substrate, but further experiments are needed to fully optimize the characteristics.
However, due to time constraints, the compiler cannot fully optimize the program, and therefore the resulting program is slower than native code alternatives.
Think of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey getting together to fully optimize on these airports instead of competing with each other.
Some were better at making the big adjustments needed to get near an energy minimum, while others enjoyed the fine-scale tweaking needed to fully optimize the structure.
I was working only with the specific requirements of the computer hardware, such as input and output rates, internal processor speed, as well as developing the software to fully optimize the capabilities of the computer hardware.
However, eager transformation allows compilers to fully optimize state access, avoiding the steady-state overhead involved with lazy transformation.
Taking further steps optimize their corrosion control treatment (for water systems serving 50,000 people that have not fully optimized their corrosion control) .