When fully put into effect over the next several years, the cuts would cost the state more than $800 million in revenues.
Those tax cuts are expected to be worth $1.6 billion when fully put into effect in 1997.
And that's before we've fully put the higher standards in place.
It will take three years for the agreement to be put fully into effect.
The photos of the body were something Ryan would never fully put from his mind.
But it will be a few more years, the agency reported, before changes in these and other areas are fully put into effect.
The officials also noted that any agreement would take years to negotiate and put fully into effect.
He said in an interview last week that the ethical challenges at the company had not been fully put to rest.
Up until this year it clearly hadn't been fully put to the test although you are all aware of its success over recent years.
The administration estimates it would benefit 4.5 million Americans when put fully into effect.