They said the governor just wants to make sure the state's costs are reimbursed fully first.
But the Council won its point that the city should fully reimburse retirees next year.
Under the old contract, members were fully reimbursed for medical expenses that exceeded $2,000.
Some relatives say they have not been fully reimbursed by the airline for funeral costs.
Employees who are fully reimbursed by their company for such expenditures generally need not worry about the 80 percent rule.
For patients on Medicaid, the cost is fully reimbursed.
You were fully reimbursed (under a nonaccountable plan) for these expenses in the same year.
Although home dialysis may be given more frequently it is not fully reimbursed by Medicare.
Your retailer will be fully reimbursed for the full price of your newspaper.
Russian Tax Police was the law enforcement agency that is fully reimbursed for their content.