The Sea Dragon was a 1962 design study for a fully reusable two-stage sea-launched rocket.
This was not enough to develop a fully reusable design, and the entire concept went back to the drawing board.
The payload fraction would be significantly greater than normal rockets and the vehicle should be fully reusable (200 times or more).
Initially a fully reusable design was preferred.
The successor to the Mark II is planned to be a two stage fully reusable orbital vehicle that takes off and lands horizontally.
When complete, the Roton was to be the world's first single-stage-to-orbit, fully reusable rocket.
A. Bond: A fully reusable launch vehicle for Europe?
Almost universally, the designs were small, fully reusable, and based around delta wing or lifting body spaceplanes.
The ferry concept is, in some ways, a step backward, half disposable instead of fully reusable.
The final design was less costly to build and less technically ambitious than earlier fully reusable designs.