This junta functioned between 1974 and 1975, following a communiqué of its president, António de Spínola, at 1:30 a.m. on 26 April 1974.
These local chapters, which function following the same methods and principles as the Turkey based main group, focus their effort on local animal welfare problems, rescue operations as well as rehoming activities.
Poignant reminder... The Taj Mahal in Mumbai - the hotel of the cricket world - is fully functioning again, following the terrifying terrorist attack of November 2008.
It ceased to function following the German invasion of Greece in April 1941, and was reconstituted following Liberation in September 1944.
Legally, the EAC ceased to function following the establishment of the Council of Foreign Ministers at the Potsdam Conference.
The San Fernando campus abruptly ceased functioning following the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo on June 15, 1991 and the ensuing lahar surges.
The Libyan Army has ceased to function following the rebel victory in the Libyan civil war.
The assembly ceased to function following the Israeli army victories in Southern Palestine and the Arab Legion assuming control over Bethlehem and Hebron.
Emergency diesel generators, water pumps and feed water were functioning following a loss of all off site power on Unit 1 according to the NRC Event Notification.
The Institute was shifted from New Delhi to Olatpur in November 1975 and started functioning from 3 December 1975 following the recommendations of Balu Sankaran.